Most cited CAMH paper #17 of 25: Teachers’ Recognition of Children’s Mental Health Problems

Celebrating 25 years in 2020 CAMH is a high quality, peer-review of child and adolescent mental health services research. We have articles for practitioners describing evidence-based clinical methods and clinically orientated research. Follow on twitter @TheCAMH

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To celebrate the Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal’s 25th anniversary, we have released the 25 top cited articles of all time*! All papers are freely available online for you to read.

Number 17 is…

Teachers’ Recognition of Children’s Mental Health Problems
Maria E. Loades, Kiki Mastroyannopoulou
First Published: 12 August 2010

Key Practitioner Message

  • Teachers were generally good at recognising the existence and severity of symptoms of problems (behavioural or emotional) presented by a child described in a vignette.
  • Teachers were significantly more concerned about a child with clinical‐level symptoms of a behavioural disorder than a child with clinical‐level symptoms of an emotional disorder.
  • Gender of the child portrayed also impacted upon teachers’ accurate problem recognition.
  • It appears that teachers could benefit from further training to refine their ability to identify and act upon children’s mental health problems in a timely manner, thus minimising the need for future intervention.

* as of December 2019

Read Maria Loades blogs/research digests for us:

Most adolescents with depression are significantly fatigued: What can we do about it?

The overlap between low self-esteem and anxiety/depression in CAMHS

Routine Outcome Measurement in CAMHS

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