Early Intervention in Youth Mental Health SIG

The focus of the Early Intervention in Youth Mental Health SIG (Special Interest Group) is optimising effective service delivery and long-term outcomes in youth mental health in Ireland.

Implementation of this SIG was informed by three key issues: firstly, a gathering concern over the continuing lack of adolescent or youth mental health teams in Ireland particularly for the post-16 age group – currently only one intervention service is available which starts at age 18; secondly, recognition of the rapidly developing currency of early intervention as a realistic strategy for treatment and hence service provision; and thirdly, appreciation of the value of readily accessible, youth-friendly early intervention services in optimising engagement and treatment outcomes.

  • Principal aims

    Our principal aims are;

    • affording a much needed resource and forum to bring clinicians together for mutual discussion, learning and sharing
    • strengthening expertise and enhance services and facilitate access to ‘expert’ advice, tips and best practice
    • increasing awareness of youth mental health, in particular evidence-based practice
    • providing an integrated network for professionals involved in the broad array of mental health services for young people
    • encouraging innovation
    • promoting access and accessibility of services
    • contributing to the ongoing debate about targeting resources for Early Intervention
    • achieving broader awareness of evidence based practice through the activities of the group – conferences, recommendations for services and occasional paper