Associations between dimensions of mental health literacy and adolescent help-seeking intentions

Bringing you some selected Open Access journal papers from our portfolio; The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP), Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal (CAMH), and JCPP Advances.

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Open Access paper from our CAMH journal

Background – The majority of long-term mental health problems begin during adolescence. Low mental health literacy (MHL) may impede help-seeking for these problems. Although MHL is a multidimensional construct and adolescent help-seeking can be through formal and informal means, little is known about how dimensions of MHL influence these help-seeking intentions. This study examines associations between dimensions of MHL and formal and informal help-seeking intentions among adolescents. It also investigates whether informal help-seeking mediates the association between dimensions of MHL and formal help-seeking, and whether these associations are moderated by gender.

Authors: Claire Goodfellow, Anna Macintyre, Lee Knifton, Edward Sosu

First published: 14 November 2022

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