Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke – Editor in Chief

Bringing together empirical research, clinical studies and reviews in order to advance how we understand and approach child and adolescent mental health. Twitter @TheJCPP

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Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke

Edmund Sonuga-Barke is currently Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience working in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, King’s College London. He also holds Visiting Chairs at Ghent University, Aarhus University and the University of Sussex. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. His work integrates Developmental Psychopathology and Neuroscience perspectives to employing basic developmental science approaches to study the pathogenesis of neuro-developmental and mental health conditions; their underlying genetic and environmental risks, mediating brain mechanisms and developmental outcomes. He has a particular interest in ADHD and related disorders. In 2016, Prof Sonuga-Barke was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Links on ACAMH website

JCPP Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 07, July 2021 “‘No pain – No gain’ – Towards the inclusion of mental health costs in balanced “lockdown” decision-making during health pandemics” by Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke

‘What role should mental health costs play in the evaluation of public health interventions such as lockdown?’ In Conversation Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke In this podcast we talk to Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience at King’s College London, and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP).

JCPP Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 01, January 2021 ““School of hard knocks” – what can mental health researchers learn from the COVID‐19 crisis?” by Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 61, Issue 08, August 2020 “The role of digital technology in children and young people’s mental health – a triple‐edged sword?” by Chris Hollis, Sonia Livingstone, Edmund Sonuga-Barke

Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke – Shining a light on the injustice of institutionalization and the damage it causes to children – to promote care reform across the globe, led by 22 of the world’s leading experts on reforming care for children, The Lancet Commission on Institutionalisation and Deinstitutionalisation of Children includes a review and meta-analysis of the effects of institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation on children’s development, and makes 14 policy recommendations addressed to policymakers at all levels.

Helping parents manage challenging behaviour during the COVID19 lockdown – Some pointers for practitioners

JCPP Editorial: Volume 61, Issue 01, January 2020 “‘People get ready’: Are mental disorder diagnostics ripe for a Kuhnian revolution?” by Edmund Sonuga-Barke

Edmund Sonuga Barke, Editor in Chief of JCPP, talks about the papers that influenced him, how JCPP maintains its quality, and what the future holds for JCPP.

Professor Edmund Sonuga Barke – JCPP: The way we do the things we do Recorded lecture from Edmund Sonuga-Barke, at the Wellcome Collection, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

JCPP Editorial: Volume 60, Issue 01, January 2019  “‘It’s a family affair’ – the social drivers of child and adolescent resilience” by Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke

ACAMH Board Member elected Fellow of the prestigious British Academy

JCPP – recent impact factor and rankings

From punk rock to academic heavyweight While at university Edmund became fascinated by behaviourist approaches to psychology which bring together philosophy, methodology and psychological theory.

In Conversation… JCPP Annual Research Review Webinar Join JCPP’s Editor-in-Chief, Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke as he talks to researchers about the upcoming Annual Research Review in this webinar.

JCPP Editorial: Volume 59, Issue 01, January 2018 “‘The way we do the things we do’ – decision making transparency at the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry” by Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 58, Issue 10, October 2017 “New frontiers in the scientific study of developmental language disorders” by Courtenay Frazier Norbury & Edmund Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 58, Issue 01, January 2017 “Science unskewed – acknowledging and reducing ‘risk of bias’ in parenting research” by Edmund Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 57, Issue 10, October 2016 “The effects of early trauma and deprivation on human development – from measuring cumulative risk to characterizing specific mechanisms” by Charles H. Zeanah & Edmund J.S. Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 57, Issue 01, January 2016 “Distinguishing between the challenges posed by surface and deep forms of heterogeneity to diagnostic systems: do we need a new approach to subtyping of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders” by Edmund Sonuga-Barke

JCPP Editorial: Volume 56, Issue 05, May 2015 “Diet and children’s behaviour problems – disentangling urban myth from clinical reality” by Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke


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