
  • Professor Francesca Happé CBE

    Congratulations to Professor Francesca Happé CBE

    We are delighted and proud to announce that Professor Francesca Happé, ACAMH Board Member and past Joint Editor of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2000-2006), was appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2021 New Year Honours for services to the study of autism.

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  • Play and the pandemic: a rapid review of the literature and promising steps forward

    The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to be a health crisis among the global community. Children in virtually all countries have been impacted in terms of movement restrictions, school closures, playground and public park closures, and limited access to social and extended family networks.

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  • Most popular ACAMH web content 2020

    As 2020 draws to a close we have collated the most popular online content, from our website.

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  • Making personalised predictions of poor functioning following negative childhood experiences

    Experiencing abuse, neglect, bullying, or domestic violence in childhood increases the likelihood of having poor functioning in young adulthood, but this is not the case for everyone. Being able to accurately predict which individuals are at high risk for poor outcomes following such negative childhood experiences could support professionals to effectively target interventions. Is it possible to make accurate personalised predictions?

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  • LGBT adolescents, sexting, and consent

    The exact prevalence of sexting is still under academic debate. Yet the dominant discourses appear to associate it with adolescents; this association exists partially due to the media stories conveying negative consequences and moral panics regarding adolescent suicide cases as a result of sexting (Dobson, 2017).

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  • CAMHS services in our physically distanced world

    On March 23rd 2020, the way healthcare was provided in England had to change overnight. With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the country, CAMHS staff had to adapt to the news that they must provide routine services from home where possible and all non-urgent face-to-face contact must cease to prevent the spread of the virus.

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  • Results of the ACAMH Awards 2020

    Congratulations to all winners and nominees of the ACAMH Awards 2020.

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  • Dr. Gordana Milavić

    Dr. Gordana Milavić Incoming Chair message

    I am delighted and excited by the challenge and opportunity entrusted to me in my role of ACAMH Chair for the next three years.

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  • World Mental Health Day 2020: Mental Health for all

    The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘mental health for all’. Our Vision is ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’, and to this end we urge you to take a look at the learning opportunities on our website and to share with your networks.

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  • Joanne Newbury

    City living and psychosis: Unpicking an old question using new data

    Decades of research point towards a role of urban upbringing in mental health problems, particularly psychosis. Leading theories often refer to the “stress of the city” as a driving factor. Developments in fields spanning geography to genetics call for renewed attention on the topic.

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