
  • Behind the yellow line

    I am interested in exploring novel methods of research dissemination. In my years as a researcher, I have experienced how hard it is to find a way to communicate research results to the wider non-scientific community – the “real” world.

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  • Good intentions, good enough?

    Daniel Brennan, Assistant Psychologist at Ealing Intensive Therapeutic and Short Break Service (ITSBS) provides a summary of Lenehan, C. and Geraghty, M.  (2017) “Good intentions, good enough?: a review of the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with learning disabilities in residential special schools and colleges”,

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  • Just what does a learning disability nurse do?

    ”As a clinical nurse specialist, and manager, there is no typical day.”- Julie Blackaby. “It is probably the liveliest and most exciting it has been since the advent of the NHS”- Noeleen Morritt.

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  • ACAMH Top Reviewers for 2018

    In celebration of the strong peer review process upheld by both CAMH and JCPP and in recognition of the exceptional commitment and service to the journals carried out by our reviewers, we are proud to present the list of top reviewers for 2018.

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  • How can we help you?

    We’d like to offer you opportunities to get involved with ACAMH, but we want to know how you access resources, how you’d like to be involved, and what you’d like to gain from ACAMH.

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  • Mental Health Support in a Paediatric Diabetes Clinic

    The importance of supporting children and young people with their mental health, in addition to their physical health condition. Blog by Hetashi Bawa.

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  • The ‘obesogenic’ environment of adolescent inpatient units: A call for action to support the promotion of better physical wellbeing

    The term ‘obesogenic’ has been used to describe the unique set of circumstances people experience on mental health inpatient units which results in a propensity for weight gain. Find out about the implications and interventions.

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  • Mallika Punukollu

    Blog of ACAMH event: “Responding to a Digital Generation”

    Professionals gave insights into the challenges faced by multidisciplinary staff teams and their services in understanding where necessary to help young people and their families manage the impact of mobile and online technologies on young people’s quality of life.

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  • Shaun Liverpool

    Power Up for Parents: A pilot study to enhance Shared Decision-Making in CAMH

    Worldwide, up to 20% of children and young people (CYP) suffer from a disabling mental disorder (World Health Organization, 2000, 2003). Be part of a study to test a web application (called Power Up for Parents or PUfP) to support parents and promote their involvement in CAMH decisions.

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  • Congratulations to Professor Tamsin Ford CBE

    We are delighted for ACAMH Board member, Professor Tamsin Ford who has been awarded a CBE for services to psychiatry.

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