
  • JCPP Advances

    JCPP Advances First Year Anniversary recording

    5 fantastic 10-minute lectures from leading researchers, academics, and practitioners on a number of topics in the field of child and adolescent mental health, and will also include a short presentation from Wiley, ACAMH’s publishing partner, highlighting JCPP Advances’ success so far.

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  • Elementary,School,Teacher,Helping,Pupils,Wearing,Uniform,As,They,Work

    Helping Teachers Help Pupils With Mental Health

    ACAMH commits to developing a comprehensive series of resources that disseminate research-informed, evidence-based practice in schools, to support children & young people’s mental health & wellbeing

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  • Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry (JCPP) & Child & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) journal

    Wiley Transitional Agreement with Jisc included in UKRI Open Access Policy

    Wiley, ACAMH’s publishing partner, reassure that authors who are funded by UKRI, and who are based at an institution that is part of a Wiley Transitional Agreement, can publish in any of Wiley’s ‘hybrid’ journals, due to transitional agreement with Jisc.

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  • ACEs eNewsletters

    We’ll be bringing you the latest news on ACEs, and then discussing these in the ACES SIG Forum, so do please register to use the ACEs Forum.

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  • lost children shoes no war

    Children first – A positional statement from ACAMH board

    The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) is deeply concerned about the escalating invasion in Ukraine. This and other ongoing conflicts around the World – Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Myanmar, and many others – continue to bring tragic consequences, upturning the lives of many millions of people, and challenging the basic human right to peace and security.

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  • University Mental Health Day

    #UniMentalHealthDay Shaping the Future of Student Mental Health

    University Mental Health Day encourages universities, students, and the wider community to work together to improve the university experience; to make mental health a university-wide priority; and to help change the future of student mental health. This University Mental Health Day, we encourage you to explore the learning opportunities available on our website, and to share with your networks.

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  • JCPP and CAMH Open Access

    High-Quality Open Access Accelerated

    In February 2022, ACAMH publisher, Wiley, announced two new open access agreements to further accelerate open access research. In early February, Wiley and four Japanese institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding on open access publishing.

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  • JCPP and CAMH Open Access

    Wiley Open Access Agreements to accelerate Open Access Research

    ACAMH publisher, Wiley, announce six new open access agreements with a number of institutions in order accelerate open access research. Researchers in a number of institutions will be able to access all ACAMH journals, as well as be able to publish open access in the JCPP and the CAMH at no charge to themselves from 2022 to 2024.

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  • Professor Barry Carpenter OBE, CBE

    Improving research-informed practice in schools

    We have recently launched an initiative aimed at teachers, to enable schools to access and put to use resources that can genuinely make a difference to the mental wellbeing and educational outcomes of young people.

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  • Ecological Crisis Mental health There's No planet B

    CAMH Special Issue – ‘Mental Health and the Global Ecological Crisis’

    To accompany the CAMH Special Issue on ‘Child and youth mental health & the global ecological crisis’ (January 2022), ACAMH is proud to bring you a series of events, content, and Open Access papers, focusing on the mental health implications of climate change.

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