Depression, Self-harm and Suicide Editorial

Last updated 21 August 2020
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This edition of The Bridge focusses on depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. These are important clinical topics. Depression leads to high levels of morbidity and can have implications for mental health in the longer term. Suicide is the outcome that every family and clinician dreads and risk assessment and planning often seeks to reduce the risks of this occurring. Depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviours are clearly linked but depression is not the only mental illness or behavioural disorder linked to self-harm and/or death by suicide, so a broader view of causality and association is required.

There are good treatments available for depression, (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) though more options are required to meet the needs of those that do not respond well to treatment. The costs
of depression are vast. They include not only the treatment cost but also the broader repercussions for individuals and society as a whole, especially with regards to education and employment.

In this edition we have research summaries from both of ACAMH’s journals CAMH, and JCPP, on; family dysfunction, childhood adversity and self-harm, children’s understanding of depression, depressive symptoms in ADHD and social connectedness and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. These demonstrate the wide variety of articles published on these topics and the continued evidence base that is being developed.

This is my last edition of The Bridge as acting editor and I would like to thank you, the reader, for your continued engagement and comments.

I hope you enjoy reading this edition of The Bridge please share it with colleagues, and a pdf version is available, plus take a look out our Depression Topic Guide.

Dr Mark Lovell is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Intellectual Disability Psychiatrist, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. He is an ACAMH Board Member and the Lead for CPD and Training.