
  • JCPP Editorial: Volume 62, Issue 06, June 2021

    Editorial: “Is there a core deficit in specific learning disabilities?” by Arne Lervåg

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  • How well children read is largely down to their genes

    Children who are avid readers are typically good readers, and children who seldom read a book voluntarily often have dyslexia. Is their reading ability the consequence of how much they practised?

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  • Welsh branch puts on dyslexia day with academic heavyweights

    Conference review Dyslexia: From assessment to intervention This September saw ACAMH’s Wales branch host a one day conference on dyslexia in Cardiff. Over sixty delegates made the trip to the city’s All Nations’ Centre to listen to talks from leading researchers and practitioners. The day was opened with a warm welcome from Dr Owen Barry, […]

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  • joe elliott slide

    The pariah of dyslexia

    Sometimes, academia calls for a thick skin, particularly if you’re notorious for denouncing an entire area of research.

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  • Professor Maggie Snowling

    Dyslexia and developmental language disorder: same or different?

    Maggie Snowling looks at how we understand the definition, development and relationship between dyslexia and developmental language disorder (DLD).

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  • The Parent Blame Game

    Seventy years ago Leo Kanner published his seminal paper describing autism. In that paper he also coined the term “refrigerator mother” apportioning some of the cause for the distinctive profile of autistic behaviour to cold, harsh parenting practices.

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  • joe elliott slide

    The Dyslexia Debate

    This recording is from Professor Joe Elliot titled ‘The Dyslexia Debate’. It is from the conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ was held on Friday 29 September 2017, and was organised by the Welsh ACAMH Branch. The day promoted the notion that the assessment of literacy difficulties should be the first step on a clear pathway to individualised interventions for children or young people.

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  • Dr. Gavin Reid

    Understanding and Dealing with Dyslexia; Assessment and Intervention

    This recording is from Dr. Gavin Reid titled ‘Understanding and Dealing with Dyslexia; Assessment and Intervention’. It is from the conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ was held on Friday 29 September 2017, and was organised by the Welsh ACAMH Branch. The day promoted the notion that the assessment of literacy difficulties should be the first step on a clear pathway to individualised interventions for children or young people.

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  • Professor Maggie Snowling

    ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’ interview with Professor Maggie Snowling

    Interview with Professor Maggie Snowling on 29 September 2017, at the Welsh ACAMH Branch conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’.

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  • Professor Maggie Snowling

    ‘Dyslexia and Language Impairment’ Professor Maggie Snowling

    Professor Maggie Snowling on ‘Dyslexia and Language Impairment’. Recorded on 29 September 2017, and was organised by the Welsh ACAMH Branch as part of the conference, ‘Dyslexia from assessment to intervention’. ACAMH members can now receive a CPD certificate for watching this recorded lecture.

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