ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)

  • Professor Anita Thapar

    Practitioner Review: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder – the importance of depression

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “Young people with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder, show high rates of mental health problems, of which depression is one of the most common. Given that depression in ASD and ADHD is linked with a range of poor outcomes, knowledge of how clinicians should assess, identify and treat depression in the context of these neurodevelopmental disorders is much needed”. Anita Thapar (pic) et al.

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  • Dr. Joey Frederick

    Prospective association between evening circadian preference and academic functioning in adolescents: the role of daytime sleepiness

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “There is growing evidence for the role of circadian factors in adolescents’ sleep and academic adjustment, with greater evening preference being linked to poorer academic functioning. However, studies have yet to evaluate this association prospectively in adolescence, nor have studies examined daytime sleepiness as a putative mechanism linking evening preference to poor academic functioning”. Joseph W. Fredrick (pic) et al.

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  • Lucy Riglin

    Early manifestations of genetic liability for ADHD, autism and schizophrenia at ages 18 and 24 months

    Open Access paper from JCPP Advances – “Given that ADHD, autism and schizophrenia are all highly heritable, we tested the hypothesis that in the general population, measures of toddler language development, motor development and temperament are associated with genetic liability to ADHD, autism and/or schizophrenia”. Lucy Riglin (pic) et al.

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  • rosa_cheesman

    How interactions between ADHD and schools affect educational achievement: a family-based genetically sensitive study

    Open Access paper from the JCPP – “We linked data on ADHD symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity and parent–child ADHD polygenic scores (PGS) from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) to achievement in standardised tests and school identifiers. We estimated interactions of schools with individual differences between students in inattention, hyperactivity, and ADHD-PGS using multilevel models with random slopes for ADHD effects on achievement over schools”. Rosa Cheesman (pic), et al.

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  • JCPP Advances

    JCPP Advances First Year Anniversary recording

    5 fantastic 10-minute lectures from leading researchers, academics, and practitioners on a number of topics in the field of child and adolescent mental health, and will also include a short presentation from Wiley, ACAMH’s publishing partner, highlighting JCPP Advances’ success so far.

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  • Hans Fredrik Sunde

    CAMHS around the Campfire journal club – ADHD deficit in school performance across sex and parental education

    FREE SESSION. For this session we are pleased to welcome Hans Fredrik Sunde, from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, to discuss his JCPP Advances paper ‘The ADHD deficit in school performance across sex and parental education: A prospective sibling-comparison register study of 344,152 Norwegian adolescents’.

    Event type
    CAMHS around the Campfire
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  • Dr. Aja Murray

    Aggressive behaviours and ADHD symptoms in childhood

    Video abstract from Dr. Aja Murray & Lydia Speyer on their JCPP paper ‘A symptom level perspective on reactive and proactive aggressive behaviours and ADHD symptoms in childhood’.

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  • Mental Health Conditions in Young People: Prevalence, Shifts & Support – Ask the Expert recording

    Professor Mina Fazal joined us for the fourth in the series of sessions exclusively for Teachers. This FREE online event is an exciting new partnership between ACAMH and Coram Life Education (CLE) exclusively for Teachers. It offers insights into the latest evidence-base, together with practical advice to help you help your pupils, and your own children.

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  • kid Brothers hugging at the stairs

    CAIDPN 2022 Annual Conference – Day 2

    Bookings closed. This event is produced by CAIDPN, a group of psychiatrists across the UK and Ireland who work with children who have an intellectual disability and mental health needs. The second day i tailored to doctors (psychiatrists, paediatricians) working with children with intellectual disabilities.

    Event type
    Live Stream
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  • teen with psychologist

    Service improvement and research: Innovation and new challenges in CAMHS

    BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED. Southern Branch event showcasing the innovative models of care in the region featuring neurodevelopmental conditions and mental health difficulties. It will highlight the importance, and need, for timely diagnostic assessments, pre and post diagnostic support for families, and the impact of the same on improving the emotional wellbeing and quality of the patient journey through the system.

    Event type
    Half Day
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